Christian Identity Vigilantes? Multiple Shooters Named | JFK Assassination

James Day
9 min read5 days ago

Dallas police officer JD Tippit: who was killed ostensibly by Oswald shortly after the president was in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. Reverend Theodore R Jackman; Reverend Dr Roy E Davis. These were the names per Willie Somersett from Joseph Milteer on who was responsible in the Kill Zone in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

Roy E Davis, left; JD Tippit, center; Theodore R. Jackman, right — the three shooters of JFK, per Joseph Milteer

It boggles my mind that this information has not been seriously or thoroughly checked out by 99% of the JFK researchers. I hope that when the dust finally settles after all these decades, the declass vindicates the claims of Willie Augustus Somersett. Because if one takes this info at face value and explores who exactly these individuals were, two things become apparent:

  1. The Rosetta Stone of the assassination rests at the scene of the murder of JD Tippit;
  2. The Ku Klux Klan was far more involved in the assassination than most conspiracy theorists or the general public readily acknowledge.

Davis was long linked to the Klan. He was Imperial Dragon of the Dallas KKK and a seasoned recruiter for the Klan. According to a Congressional Report, Davis reactivated the Klan in Louisiana in 1960. Davis himself told The Shreveport Times that he was one of the 15 men who resurrected the Klan in 1915 on Stone Mountain in Georgia. In 1955 R.E. Davis ministered the first service at a new Church of Christ less than a mile from where JD Tippit was gunned down eight years later. In 1958 Davis spoke at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas to the Oak Cliff Indignant White Citizens’ Council about school integration. This is his quote:

I would rather die or be put in prison than allow Negro children be integrated with white children in Dallas white schools.

Roy E Davis, hiding behind the white hood, gives the Klan salute

In early 1961 Davis was cited again in The Shreveport Times as “the nation’s top Klan man.” The Klan’s main goals were quote states’ rights, constitutional government, and white supremacy.

The day before the president’s death hand bills circulated around Dallas: the president was “Wanted for Treason.” John Collins: “The printing presses for this leaflet were traced to printing equipment borrowed by Roy E Davis from one Earl Thornton.”

The infamous “Wanted for Treason” fliers were printing from equipment borrowed by Roy E. Davis

Also, at this exact same time, a theological treatise of an inferior bloodline was being preached in the sermons of another Pentecostal-trained minister, Reverend Wesley Swift. Swift was a student at Aimee Semple McPherson’s L.I.F.E. Bible College at Angeles Temple in LA in the arly 1930s, when Reverend Theodore R. Jackman taught there. Swift was not only a member of the Klan, but he was a rifle instructor for it. It also bears mentioning that the Klan even had its own intelligence organization.

Aimee Semple McPherson’s Angelus Temple in LA served as a foundaitonal home for Christian Identity ministers integral to the assassination of the president

Wesley Swift is generally regarded as the chief proponent of Christian Identity, a faction of which, related to our purposes, championed forged document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In this faction was Theodore Roosevelt Jackman, a “violent associate of Joseph Milteer,” per Willie Somersett, who even called Jackman “one of the toughest killers.”

Jackman — who in newspaper articles does not appear to be one of the toughest killers — fronted as an expert in Palestinian archaeology and antiquities. Jackman took speaking gigs for the John Birch Society and addressed groups like The Young Americans for Freedom and Daughters of the Confederacy. He was spending the early 1960s advocating against the Kennedy plan for nuclear disarmament. As the Cuban Missile Crisis unfolded he’s advocating for national defense. In Danville, last capital of the Confederate States of America, he talked heraldry. He seemed to tie his speeches to some kind of yearning for royal elite. Jackson and his ilk believed the UN would occupy the US, thinking Kennedy favored arms control and disarmament — which would strip the US of military might.

In April 1963, Jackman spoke at the Congress of Freedom meeting in New Orleans advocating violence as the way forward. At this meeting — attended by Joseph Milteer and Willie Somersett — assassination plots were hatched: multiple assassination plots against political figures and prominent citizens in the US, but not against the president. In a letter, General Pedro del Valle recommended Jackman provide the names of those targets put forward at the Congress of Freedom meeting to General Edwin Walker.

Knight and army lieutenant colonel and reverend, William Potter Gale, took the goals of a like-minded group, the Anti-Communist Liaision, to heart by organizing a paramilitary unit. He wrote a tactical guide, he urged that a patriotic underground army should be established named the California Rangers, who should train to “assassinate, sabotage, and overthrow the people’s democracy,” Peter Dale Scott wrote.

Gale was in Southern California and was ordained a reverend by none other than Wesley Swift in Swift’s Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. Potter Gale and Wesley Swift are my top suspects for project managing the JFK assassination. Indeed, Harry Dean said Potter Gale was a fundraiser for the assassination.

Through Potter Gale and Wesley Swift we can now meet individuals known to be on the ground in Dealey Plaza, not just Joseph Milteer. For instance: Edgar Eugene Bradley. He was another Southern California preacher, identified by Dallas County deputy sheriff Roger Craig in an affidavit. Craig said he saw Bradley impersonating a Secret Service agent in front of the Texas School Book Depository.

Edgar Eugene Bradley, on the ground in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963

Not only was Bradley influenced by teachings of Wesley Swift — who prophesied in January 1963 that something was going to happen to JFK that year, and claimed Kennedy was “entering a critical period” six weeks before the assassination — but Bradley was also linked to William Potter Gale. Both Gale and Swift presided over an October 1963 meeting of the Christian Knights of the Invisible Empire, where 38 members were inducted into the Klan.

This Klan induction was part of Swift’s four-front structure:

  1. ) the first was the church itself, the Church of Jesus-Christ Christian.
  2. The second front was certain members recruited to be part of the “AWAKE” movement, an acronym for Army of White American Kingdom Evangelists.
  3. The third front was the recruitment of more militant-leaning members to join the Christian Knights of the Invisible Empire.
  4. The most militant-minded of that group would then be part of the Inner Den, the fourth front, and the ones who would actually go out and commit actual acts of violence.

Amazingly, an FBI report from Miami says that William Potter Gale was responsible for the Birmingham church bombing of September 15, 1963 that killed the four little black girls. Somersett filed information with the Bureau after attending a Constitutional Party of America meeting that Gale was headed to Florida to stir up trouble, where JFK was in Miami on November 18. The president’s motorcade was canceled in that city due to Willie Somersett’s recording from November 9 of Joseph Milteer predicting the assassination.

Where does Officer JD Tippit fit in? “We are fixing to go in and shake it down,” Sergeant Gerald Hill of the Dallas Police broadcasted a little after 1:41pm on November 22, referring to the Abundant Life Temple. Before anyone could shake it down, however, the police were called to the Texas Theater where Lee Oswald was quickly arrested during a screening of War Is Hell and taken into custody. Incidentally, according to a 2013 Dallas magazine article, JF Tippit worked at the Texas Theater as an off-duty officer.

Thanks to John Collins, RE Davis was known to plant Klansmen to infiltrate the Dallas police. Could this have been JD Tippit? Tippit certainly knew those in the right-wing milieu. He was a part-time bouncer at Austin’s BBQ, a known meeting place for the John Birch Society. And based on the seemingly spurious activities of Tippit in the frenzied final minutes of his life, it is not out of the realm of possibility to consider that if Willie Somersett was correct, Tippit’s job was to probably Kill Lee Harvey Oswald, advancing the cover story the Kennedy assassin was quickly put down by the able and responsible Dallas PD. But something went awry. Maybe Oswald got privy to what was unfolding — if it was Oswald at all.

But the location of Tippit’s final rendezvous that ended in Tippit, 39, being shot four times is telling, given everything mentioned here: Oswald was allegedly spotted on foot at 10th and Patton in Oak Cliff. Moments later, Officer Tippit is gunned down outside his vehicle at this intersection. The assailant — supposedly Oswald — flees the scene ducking behind a Texaco service station. Dallas Police later put out a dispatch that the suspect was seen fleeing down an alley behind the service station to the door of the Abundant Life Temple, located at Tenth and Crawford.

The Abundant Life Temple just happened to be a Pentecostal house of worship, run by former Civil Air Patrol chaplain OB Graham, who is tied to Voice of Healing revivalists like OL Jaggers, Gordon Lindsay, William Branham, Oral Roberts of Tulsa, and ultimately Roy E Davis, one of the three shooters according to Willie Somersett.

Finally, all of this opens the door to Jack Ruby. The morning of the assassination, Ruby saw the “Welcome Mr Kennedy to Dallas” advertisement printed in the Dallas Morning News. Ruby was at the Dallas Morning News offices, looking at this advertisement. It was a sarcastic welcoming — Ruby thought initially it was a friendly ad — but it was rife with derogatory text. Ruby noticed the ad was sponsored by a Jew, Bernard Weissman. Ruby, of course, was born Jacob Rubenstein in Chicago, and he thought the ad was insulting to to both Jews and President Kennedy.

Ruby’s actual copy from the Dallas Morning News, November 22, 1963

Ruby at this point now becomes obsessed with the ad as that day wore on. The ad reminded Ruby of the similar “Impeach Earl Warren” billboard, which was adjacent off Semmons Freeway, also sponsored by the John Burch Society.

At 2am, Ruby brought sandwiches to the the newsroom at KLIF Radio. Ruby told a KLIF employee, friend Russ Knight, that Dallas radicals probably had something to do with the assassination.

At 4am Ruby and two buddies, George Senator and Larry Crafard, take a Polaroid camera and drive to inspect the “Impeach Earl Warren” billboard. Ruby suspected the PO Box on the ad, Box 1757, was the same as the “Welcome Mr. Kennedy” ad. But that was Box 1792.

But I have found the owner of Box 1757, something Ruby couldn’t figure out, and am presenting it here for the first time:

El Paso Herald Post, February 17, 1961

So, Roy E Davis is behind not only the “Wanted for Treason” leaflet but also the “Impeach Earl Warren” billboard. And in both February 1961 and the time of the assassination, Davis and his wife, Allie Lee, were living at 3311 Glen Haven Boulevard in Dallas, about three-and-a-half miles from where JD Tippit was gunned down in Oak Cliff.

Sunday morning, after Jack Ruby is arrested for shooting Oswald, Joseph Milteer is in South Carolina and he is a happy man:

“That makes everything perfect now. The Jews killed Kennedy and the Jews killed Oswald. Now we have no worry.”

The next phase of this plot was for Milteer and his Klan friends to make sure that the Jews were the ones to be blamed for the assassination of the president.

The fact that Kennedy was Catholic is integral to his assassination, in my opinion. It cannot be separated. It is not a coincidence. Remember, there were three targets in the Klan crosshairs: Blacks, Jews and Catholics. Protestant Americans were wary of the first Catholic elected to higher office in the US because they felt his allegiance would be to another head of state — the pope.

Whatever the motivations, ultimately, of these tragic figures, white supremacy continued and continues to fester. Recognizing its role in the assassination of the president will be a cathartic step in healing our country of its greatest sin.



James Day
James Day

Written by James Day

James Day is the author of five non-fiction books.

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